Your wellbeing matters
All our Restore services are completely free and can be accessed by anyone in the industry, no matter your financial situation or length of service in the drinks hospitality industry.
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"The value I gained by attending the Mindful Drinking course was very profound, I was gently led to address so many previously held convictions. I became much kinder to myself, more patient, and more understanding."
Claire, Club Soda Mindful Drinking course attendee
"Talking therapy with Dr. Julian has been a really positive experience that has given me hope for the first time in years. I feel prepared with the knowledge to take ownership of any bumps in the road with my mental health and I have the tools to deal with them now. Thank you so much!"
Daisy, beneficiary of The Drinks Trust
"This year has been so difficult, and I'd give up hope on sorting out my sleep until I found out about Sleepstation. What a miracle it's been! Thank you all the coaches who supported me. I couldn't have done it without you. I feel so much better".
Glenn, Sleepstation programme attendee
"I've called The Drinks Trust's support line and they have helped me so much, we are so grateful! The support received has been so incredible, a real life changing support and the kind manners of everyone involved have been so comforting in such a difficult time."
Susannah, beneficiary of The Drinks Trust