Drinks Community

Welcome to the Drinks Community, the only dedicated members platform for people in the drinks industry to network, share ideas and have access to resources to help them upskill and develop their careers.

What is the Drinks Community?

The Drinks Community is the platform dedicated to creating connection and opportunity through upskilling, training, networking and mentoring. A peer-to-peer support, careers and vocational space for our vibrant industry, the Drinks Community will be a space to share knowledge; it will act as the bridge between disciplines, specialisms and product channels. 

There are regular resources from the Drinks Community team as well as weekly and monthly online get togethers to discuss industry matters and issues, get to know other members of the Community and learn from some of the leading names in the world of drinks. 

We will also be listing job opportunities, working with other industry groups on their own mini-communities and keeping you updated with the latest news from press.

By signing up you'll:

  1. Get access to over 1,000 members (and growing) in the industry
  2. The opportunity to take part in industry-specific conversations in a space that is free from the noise you find on other platforms
  3. Weekly and monthly online networking events 
  4. 1-on-1 messaging ability so you can talk to your peers privately and easily
  5. Expert resources including webinars, Q&As and opinion pieces about being in the industry and covering topical issues